The philosophy of Osteopathy is what sets it apart from other medical disciplines. The key principles are based on all parts of the body functioning together in an integrated manner. If one part of the body is restricted, then the rest of the body must adapt and compensate for this, eventually leading to inflammation, pain, stiffness and other health conditions. When the body is free of restrictions in movement, Osteopathic treatment assists the body with pain minimization, reduced stress and greater mobility providing the body with the opportunity to heal itself.Osteopaths: are primary health care practitioners who recognize the important link between the structure of the body and the way it functions. Osteopathy is a form of manual medicine which facilitates healing by focusing on how the skeleton, joints, muscles, nerves, circulation, connective tissue and internal organs function as a holistic unit..
Osteopath use a broad range of gentle hands-on techniques including soft tissue stretching, deep tactile pressure, and mobilization or manipulation of joints.IN SOME CASES, Osteopaths can complement the advice given by GPs. For example, people who suffer from arthritis are often prescribed medication by their GP. In addition to that, Osteopaths can ease the pain caused by joint and muscle stiffness, by improving joint mobility and the flow of blood to the joints, and show arthritis sufferers how to prevent causing injury to themselves.
Females with Traumas, Falls, Post Car Accidents or Women’s aged 40+ with history of hysterectomy , early menopause , multiple C-sections (3+)-especially if associated with low back pain , multiple pregnancies (3+) or congestive pelvic dysfunction .
• Big area of women’s health : Pregnancy and post-pregnancy related pain also Digestive or gynecological complaints associated with Joints pains.
Patients with chronic headaches , migraine with or without aura , cervogenic headache , headache Associated with Pressure behind the eyes , or Headaches associated with recurrent otitis media , Or with Limited ROM of Cervical area (neck), TMJ dysfunctions ( JAW Pain or clicking) , tinnitus due to vestibular dysfunction , vertigo , BBPV , dental problems with headache , TMJ and cervical spine dysfunctions , blurring of vision after a cranial trauma (Non Space occupying Lesions)
Patients with shortness of breath of non cardiopulmonary origin , abdominal pain that doesn’t respond to traditional treatment (clear pathology) , chronic cervical or lower back pain related to visceral dysfunctions (e.g. Very Painful period , Chronic constipation , Chronic diarrhea, etc..) that doesn’t respond to traditional treatment , early irritable bowel disorder , Early stage congestive heart failure , chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and asthma patients Can benfit from OMM( Osteopathic Manual medicine )
Patients with recent or old traumas Example {falling on the bottom ,whiplash injuries , car accidents , seat belt injuries , jobs that induce physical stress (e.g. dentists , occupational therapists , etc) , tingling of non ridiculer cause , change in texture of paraspinal area.
Tennis Elbow, Golfer Elbow, recurrent Ankle Sprain, Recurrent Knee Dysfunctions, Post Anterior / Posterior Circulate Ligament Repair, Post arthroscopic Exploration or repairs , etc..
Chronic pain in joints, muscles, and bones that doesn’t respond to traditional treatment ( medications and Physical therapy) Example : Frozen Shoulder or Chronic Shoulder Pain. Knee pain, Hips Pain, Low back pain, Middle Back pain, and Neck pain.
Osteopathy may be useful for babies with: Distressed and irritable babies, who are not able to be comforted. also for those babies with Feeding Difficulties, which often relates to the nerves to the tongue and the throat which become irritated where they leave the skull. Leading to failure to suckle or reflux and vomiting.
• Recurrent ear infections in children
• Babies with Reflux, Colic, and Digestive problems, Sleep Disturbances can benefits from Osteopathy as well.
Osteopathy is most commonly associated with musculoskeletal medicine – biomechanical back and neck pain, sport or work injuries, or other joint or muscle disorders. However, as osteopathy is a holistic form of healthcare which helps individuals improve or restore health and well being, there are many other reasons someone may visit an osteopath.
Some may come for rehabilitation, or injury management, assistance with general health problems or medical conditions, or wellness more generally.
Osteopaths treat people of any age, from children through to the elderly. Osteopathic treatment can be helpful for people in any situation – student, office worker, manual laborer, pregnant woman, stay at home parent, retiree and anything in between.